"Happiness boiling over and running down both sides."
Joan Nartowt
I live in Palm City, FL, in a gated community on the St. Lucie River. I taught high school for thirteen years in Chelmsford, then changed careers and became a financial planner. My last position involved consulting work for AMEX with community banks, credit unions and Farm Credit Services. My health is fine and I spend most of my time playing golf, kayaking and traveling. My memories of Wachusett revolved around good times with friends. However, I also remember wonderful teachers and challenging classes. I greatly appreciate the education we received at Wachusett. Thank you to the reunion committee for all the hard work you have done in putting this reunion together. Greatly appreciated. |
"Every production of genius must be a production of enthusiasm."
Cathy (Nutter) Culver
Can’t believe 50 years has passed. We were able to follow our dreams to Wyoming. We only moved out here full time about three years ago, but have owned property much longer. Of course we ski, hike and fish here. Left the heat and humidity of Maryland. Attached is a very recent photo of me and my latest conquest. This was a birthday fishing float trip for two (Bob rode along but not fishing) on the Snake River in Grand Teton Park, Wyoming. It was a guided fly fishing float from the Triangle X Ranch about 12 miles down to Moose at the south entrance to the park. I hooked about 16 fish, all cutthroat trout, and landed about 8 big ones and a few small-fry. Beautiful weather that day, about 75 degrees and sunny. Today I am looking at the first snow of the winter high up on the Teton Mountains. Being in Wyoming, about 2400 miles from Holden, I can not make the reunion. Perhaps another year. |
"A magnificent spectacle of human happiness."
Kathleen (O’Brien) Packard
My career was as a florist in Princeton. I am retired, but still do some consignment work. I am married, to Bob Packard, and we have three children and four grandchildren. My favorite hobbies are hiking, working with dried flowers and getting together with friends and family. When we travel we enjoy going to Newburyport and state park or ocean destinations. Of Wachusett, my memories center on my friends, field hockey, gym leader corps, dances and class plays, and of course, Bob. |
"Energy is the spark plug that gets action."
Maureen (O’Brien) Duca-Scott
My career is a real-estate broker, formerly with Re/Max and now with Modern Real Estate. My husband Ken Scott and I live in a condo in Worcester. I have five children and seven grandchildren. Happy to say I’m still in good health. My hobbies include traveling, walking, swimming and playing with grandchildren. Our favorite places to travel are Florida and Maine. My favorite memory of Wachusett is all of it! Probably our dances, proms, basketball and football games stand out. And of course, Friends. It’s all about our friends. |
Rod Osbourne
"I study when there's nothing else to do."