WRHS CLASS of 1965 profiles
Photos from 50th Reunion
Profiles - A
Profiles - B
Profiles - C
Profiles - D
Profiles - E - F
Profiles - G
Profiles - H
Profiles - I - J
Profiles - K
Profiles - L
Profiles - M
Profiles - N-O
Profiles - P
Profiles - R
Profiles - S
Profiles T-U-V
Profiles W-X-Y-Z
Reunion Planning Committee
Rest in Peace
Photos and Memories
Holden Junior High Photos
An Editorial Comment
Reunion pix from years gone by
Reunion pictures from 1985
Larry LaChance, Dennis Groleau, Tommy Sawyer and Mark Davis
Is that Jack LaPrade dancing with Ann Rubenstein?
Four happy classmates. Sharon Lyra, Nancy Love, Susan McGovern and Andrea Erickson.
Diana Bucklar and Janice Dwelly
Looks like Wendy Morrison Kempland and Bruce Dunn
Diane LaMotte and Priscilla Hutton.
Gail Johnson, Paul Lindgren and Margaret Truesdell