This page is a memorial to those classmates who have passed on
In Memoriam
Over the years a number of our classmates have passed on. Some we were close to, others we knew by name only.
We would like to acknowledge them with a brief memorial service during our 50th reunion ceremonies.
We offer condolences to family and friends of these classmates who are no longer with us.
Over the years a number of our classmates have passed on. Some we were close to, others we knew by name only.
We would like to acknowledge them with a brief memorial service during our 50th reunion ceremonies.
We offer condolences to family and friends of these classmates who are no longer with us.
John Adams
Cheryl Beth Arnberg
June Ellen Barthelmes
Kent Evan Bath
Paul John Blavackas
Richard Carl Brandt
Nancy Ann Bryngelson
Eddie Calhane
John Joseph Carbone
Donna Ruth Caron
Eric Carter
Donald Paul Clark
Jimmy Dickman
George Ernest Drawbridge
Stephen Lowell Drawbridge
Pamela May Evans
Andrew Bascom Fay
Sandra Cheryl Folschild
John Whittingham Frey
Susan Elise Gagnon
Albert Arthur Genest
Carol Ann (Gustafson) Gunter
Bruce Alden Hale
Stephen Allen Hammar
Alfred Gerald ‘Jerry’ Hartson
Deborah Lucy Hinckley
Charles John Holz
Carl Eric Hosnander
Jeri Earlene Howard
James Frederick Hughes
Richard Francis Hughes
Magda Ruth Johnson
Nancy Marie Keyman
Brian Theodore Kinney
Marcella (Kneeland) DiDomenico
Christian Michael Kristoff
Linda Leona Lindquist
Sharon Maki (Lyra) O'Day
Carl Arthur Mager
Cecelia Joelle Maki
John 'Jack' McGann, Jr.
Lee Coleman Mellor
Matthew Stanley Morkavage
Patricia Lucille Morrison
Laurence Peter Nelson
Linda Jean Oliver
Beverly Charlotte Olson
Lorrelee Phyllis (Packard) Emanuelson
Kevin Alan Pandolf
Peter John Perkins
Anne Sofia Pouttu
Jane Linda Rennicks
Russell Leroy Rhodenizer
Kay (Robertson) Jennette
Dale Wayne Sanford
John Schnier
Diane Carol Sigel
Dwight Edward Simpson, Jr.
Diane Leslie Smith
Robert William Smith
Ann Marie Antoniette Suchocki
David Alan Tabor
Alan Lockwood Taylor
Ulf Lennart (Lenny) Tornblom
Donna Anne (Warrington) Boucher
James Edward Welsh, IV
Daniel Duncan Williams
Bruce Vernon Wilson
Gregory Roy Wohlander
Cheryl Beth Arnberg
June Ellen Barthelmes
Kent Evan Bath
Paul John Blavackas
Richard Carl Brandt
Nancy Ann Bryngelson
Eddie Calhane
John Joseph Carbone
Donna Ruth Caron
Eric Carter
Donald Paul Clark
Jimmy Dickman
George Ernest Drawbridge
Stephen Lowell Drawbridge
Pamela May Evans
Andrew Bascom Fay
Sandra Cheryl Folschild
John Whittingham Frey
Susan Elise Gagnon
Albert Arthur Genest
Carol Ann (Gustafson) Gunter
Bruce Alden Hale
Stephen Allen Hammar
Alfred Gerald ‘Jerry’ Hartson
Deborah Lucy Hinckley
Charles John Holz
Carl Eric Hosnander
Jeri Earlene Howard
James Frederick Hughes
Richard Francis Hughes
Magda Ruth Johnson
Nancy Marie Keyman
Brian Theodore Kinney
Marcella (Kneeland) DiDomenico
Christian Michael Kristoff
Linda Leona Lindquist
Sharon Maki (Lyra) O'Day
Carl Arthur Mager
Cecelia Joelle Maki
John 'Jack' McGann, Jr.
Lee Coleman Mellor
Matthew Stanley Morkavage
Patricia Lucille Morrison
Laurence Peter Nelson
Linda Jean Oliver
Beverly Charlotte Olson
Lorrelee Phyllis (Packard) Emanuelson
Kevin Alan Pandolf
Peter John Perkins
Anne Sofia Pouttu
Jane Linda Rennicks
Russell Leroy Rhodenizer
Kay (Robertson) Jennette
Dale Wayne Sanford
John Schnier
Diane Carol Sigel
Dwight Edward Simpson, Jr.
Diane Leslie Smith
Robert William Smith
Ann Marie Antoniette Suchocki
David Alan Tabor
Alan Lockwood Taylor
Ulf Lennart (Lenny) Tornblom
Donna Anne (Warrington) Boucher
James Edward Welsh, IV
Daniel Duncan Williams
Bruce Vernon Wilson
Gregory Roy Wohlander